September 13, 2017


The old main ticket area at LA Union Station.

At first I, then both of us, spent the morning putting fraud alerts on accounts and freezing our credit reports.  George found that it was all faster with the credit reporters to do it online.  I had tried the phones and found the phone lines so jammed I couldn’t get through.  We actually went to our corner branch bank and dealt with all those accounts there.  Glad we did as two accounts didn’t have any fraud alerts, and all needed upgrading with cell phone numbers.

I dozed after lunch.  I read.  I went downstairs and read and dozed.  The dishes got done and the laundry got started, but before my birthday dinner that was it.

  • Himself:  Gym, quiet at work, visit Poolie after dinner.
  • Herself:  Work, shop for groceries, cook dinner, visit Poolie who has had cyber knife therapy 2 days in a row.  Can’t believe I’m 76.
  • Reading:  An old Cadell.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I took Aleve even when I wasn’t supposed to.


  1. Cannot believe you're 76 either. You come across as very young at heart. Anyway, Happy Birthday!

  2. I hope your friend is doing well. It's a hard road she's on.
    76 is good. Still time to do lots of stuff.
    At 78 and with cancer, I am surprisingly well off. DId not expect to be OK at this point. Buy modern medicine has pulled me back from the brink, at least for now.

  3. Happy, happy day, Mage. Hope it's special in every way!

  4. all in all, it was a really good day

  5. Congratulations! Sorry about the credit flack though.



Celebration of Life