October 19, 2017


Sometimes I think I am the oldest computer user around.  My computer confusions sometimes make me think my friend in Portland isn’t the only dementia sufferer around. 

Right now I need to predate a few photographs for Facebook.  There will be a jewelry sale while we are gone, and I need to play with a few photos showing what is in the sale.  I ran a test and was delighted to find predating worked.

I’ve been to the pool for a last time today.  I’ve made lists like:  Meds, shampoo, calcium, and batteries with all but two things crossed off.  Oh hurrah.  Then again, I am constantly adding more items at the bottom of the list such as “Umbrella.”  I think I will have lunch and doze off at my computer.  Maybe I will get the nerve up to test Imgur this morning too.

  • Himself:  Work at 0630 and off to the Orthopedic guy at twoish.
  • Herself:  Work tomorrow, call dentist about tooth again, and start to pack.  If the WIFI works on the trip, we will be really happy riders.  Photo for the Jewelry sale.
  • Reading:  War Brides.
  • Captain Poolie:  Pneumonia, blood clot, and she looks awful.
  • Gratitude’s:  That my blood sugar is normal.


  1. If you can pre-date on FB, you're one up an me.

  2. There is always something to be grateful for as you testify with every post, Mage.

  3. You can do lots of things online that are beyond me. I got a new phone this week, and although it was updated through iCloud, i still had to go in and let apps know it was really me opening them on a new device. To do so, I had to use the passwords for the apps. What???? I couldn't remember that far back on some of them, and the whole thing was stuck until I got that password problem cured. Took me all day to remember some of those old passwords.

  4. I have difficulties with changing ink cartridges. Far too fiddly. Sometimes a YouTube tutorial helps.

  5. If we forget something, there are stores up there

  6. Can you really schedule things on facebook Mage? When you back (and have the time) maybe you could tell us how.
    Traveling or otherwise lists are my constant companions :) ~ Cathy

    Cathy @ Still Waters

    1. I'm able to predate and schedule posts for the Discovery shop, but I haven't found the trick for my regular Facebook page. I'll try again later.

  7. I did not know you could pre-date posts for FB. Blogger is easier to do that. Glad you are looking forward to another trip!!

  8. So sorry Poolie has had such a set back. Hope they are keeping her comfortable.
    You are way ahead of me on the computer so you can't claim the oldest user--I've got that:))

  9. I have travel lists for in country and overseas which I modify as I go along. It's really helpful. I also have a space for where I put them. C for my Carry-on, W for Wearing, AS for Art's suitcase, KS for Kay's suitcase, B for Art's backpack. It really helps when I have to look for things.

  10. I'm so worried about Poolie, as I am about all of my fellow cancer patients. Comes a time when nothing works, alas. Damn it's hard.
    I could not do much on the Internet if it weren't for my husband, who is very high tech and can trouble shoot most things.

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Celebration of Life