October 17, 2017


I’m pulling my thinning hair out.  I’ve now lost my third photo hosting service.  When I was new at this, I thought forever meant “forever.”  I put all my photos there forever and ever amen.  Nope.

Photobucket has closed all the Pro accounts for 3rd party photo hosting.  Now one must pay 400 dollars a year to use their photo hosting services.  Since I am one of the proletariat, that’s not in my budget at all.  Canceling my Photobucket account is another story.  Very convoluted.  Very annoying.  When you finally find the spot to cancel, they tell you that you first have to email them.  Oy! 

My updated Kaspersky is the reason I cannot get where I want to go online on the other sites.  Imagine.  These are such nice first world problems.  Oh, Grrrrrr.

  • Himself:  NCIS tonight.  Total baggage for this trip, two small bags and a laptop.
  • Herself:  Struggling with all these changes that leave me bereft.  Two trips downtown yesterday for the physical.  Two trips today.  I am slightly discombobulated.
  • Reading:  Started a new Sweedish mystery and sending it off post haste.  I’m not a gloom and doom old lady.  On to the next book.
  • Captain Poolie:  Says she did not have a good weekend.  The blood clot has moved to a lung.  They are putting her in the hospital now....6:10 pm.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I have a computer.


    1. I hope you will be able to forget about all the first world problems and enjoy your trip north.

    2. Technology makes me crazy. I haven't used the cloud type storage for my photos. I have two back-up external drives so I double save them there. Now my brother tells me those storage devices aren't forever either so I have to be careful. That's why he got me to double back-up my things. Sigh... Maybe nothing is forever.

      1. Yes, I have two also, double sigh. Maybe I should use the cloud, but if all these website photo hosts I've been using change so, what good is anything in the cloud. In all actuality, I have had the best luck with photos on facebook. :)

    3. I have two external hard drives for back up too ... the latest one died after less than 4 months. The first one has been going for more than 7 years. Both Seagate. My problem is my photo collection is a mess -- spread all over my hard drive and I can't find a photo when I need it. :/

      1. Every once in a while I take an hour to tackle a lose batch of old photos. The people and family are all under one folder, and everything else has a folder of it's own. Some times the stuff in the folders is a mess, and that's what I am tackling now.

    4. This is more than a little vexing for you. I hope you have some hard backups somewhere.

      1. I have two hard backups. So I have everything but October saved two other places. LOL

    5. So sorry about Poolie and hope they can straighten out her problem. She has really been through it.
      Don't have anything helpful regarding storage. $400 seems really harsh. Maybe deal with all the photo problems after your trip. Just relax and enjoy.

      1. I found another free site Imgur, and it's easy to use. $400 is harsh. Poolie is very ill. Today is the first day in a year will won't be able to see her.

    6. I really likes your blog! You have shared the whole concept really well and very beautifully soulful read!
      Thanks for sharing



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