November 5, 2017


I’ve been participating in one of those games on Facebook.   “Post seven black and white images, no people, no explanation, and challenge someone to do it too”…and I’ve been enjoying it a lot. 

It amuses me how many friends remember some of the photographs so clearly.  One friend looks forward to a shot of old Christmas ornaments in their crumbling cardboard box.  “No explanation” and I cannot tell you the balls are variegated turquoise.  I cannot tell you that I still use them every year we have a blue Christmas tree.

I saved a few various Armistice Day photos to share today.  We near Veterans day….the 11th day, the eleventh hour…I always thought that was such a cruel thing.  The boy scouts post flags.  Now we say “Thank you for your service.”  When they say that to me, I always want to tell them what a failure I was in the military.  Instead I tell them thanks to the GI bill, I got eight years of college education.  But I remain proud of those who care and who serve.

This is one of the black and white photos I didn’t show on Facebook.
  • Himself:  Delivered the walker, washed the dishes, fed  me, and we both slept 9 hours.
  • Herself:  Slept the afternoon away.  Think it was one cookie I ate Friday night.  Drove to Poolies with G but didn’t go in.  Slept the night roughly 9 hours.  Searching for one lost pair of levis.
  • Reading:  Finally finished the Queen and have moved on to picture books which were all I could concentrate on.
  • Captain Poolie:  Home.
  • Gratitude’s:  Waking up feeling pretty good.


    1. Waking up feeling 'pretty good' is the ambition of most of us these days.

    2. It is a great photo, Mage. A good night's sleep is so precious!

    3. That photo speaks volumes. Nine hours of sleep sounds divine.

    4. I have also been doing that meme. I wasn't going to, but since I was tagged ....



    Celebration of Life