December 29, 2017


Photo: Charlie Davis, 1969.

Photo:  Margot Hawkins, 2017.

Although everything changes, somethings stay the same.  Charlie Davis, a neighbor from  LA, photographed that young and innocent me one day in 1969.  Those were my teeth, my hair…which I thought dirty, and the watch my father gave me. 

Today I still have the watch, but I my children have grown, my hair is salt and pepper, and my front teeth are crowns.  Today I have a far better husband which makes life a better fit.  Today I am wearing that necklace, those earrings, and that very sweater…things I didn’t own in 1969. 

Throughout all the changes, the watch still works, and so does the clunky Timex that I now wear every day.  Good changes all around.
  • Himself:  A tiny bit better.  He made a joke this morning.
  • Me, myself, and I:  Off to work shortly.  The first seven boxes of ceramic cats are out on the floor, but in the hall sit five large boxes with more cats waiting for me to open them.
  • Reading:  Finished an old Reich.  Good stuff.
  • Captain Poolie:  She looks good on Facebook.  We will visit as soon as G isn’t contagious.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I found a new accountant who doesn’t charge 800 bucks to file.


    1. Both of these photos are just wonderful. I noticed you were wearing a beret? in L.A.? Was that a style thing back then.

      1. We were in Balboa Park at the lilly pond. I was trying to hide my dirty hair. It was stylish.

    2. only the subversive artist folks wore berets.

    3. 1969 was a good year, the year we got married, and I was still in uni.

    4. Loved the eyes. The first eager and hopeful, the second seeing the humor of it all.



    Celebration of Life