March 10, 2018


Hope at last.

George took this day off to be with me as I made my rounds.  CT Scan at 0845, and I surprised the clerk with all the right paperwork. 

Then I was off to work where I discovered a donation of hundreds of cookbooks.  Yes, another volunteer sorted while I priced and got them ALL out on the floor.  G picked me up and we had time to shop at Amvets Thrift store where I found a pair of red Bass sports shoes but not the brown/tan ragg sweater I’ve been looking for.  Progress.

At the gastroenterologist’s office, where we found a parking place right out in front, again I had all the right paperwork.  I also found that the young Gastroenterologist had a sense of humor. 

The newest CT scan had been read.  Thousands of questions asked.  As I laid on his table, he asked me to do a crunch.  He poked me right where the pain was.  I levitated upright in agony while G and the doctor laughed.  Then I laughed too.  A diagnosis appeared.  Either a torn abdominal wall or a strained abdominal wall muscle. 

Take two Advil a day, and in two weeks we will take a look and see what we can see.

It’s amazing how much better I feel with a little hope in hand.

Dear G took me out to dinner at PF Chang’s and off to a meeting.  We fell asleep watching TV well before ten.


  1. Some of you look very happy, around that table. Good for improving news, and have a nice weekend.

  2. That`s the kind of diagnosis you want......

  3. Glad you got a good diagnosis. Hope you heal quick.

  4. Fixable, That's what we like.

  5. P F Changs is one of my favorite restaurants, right near my daughter's house! I do think finding some progress on where and why is always good for healing. You and I have to be more careful and love our bodies more with all those layers of solid energy!

  6. So glad it's not serious -- wondering if you tore the wall when coughing... I'm headed back in on Monday to see the dr. George is such a wonder... hug him for taking such good care of you for us.

  7. Thank goodness you got a diagnosis you can deal with. It's always scaring not knowing. And PF Changs is a great way to celebrate. A big hug for G too and a double hug for you.

  8. I think it helps to get a concrete diagnosis.

  9. So glad to hear that it went well,

  10. The doctor knew where to poke.



Celebration of Life