March 12, 2018


Saturday at the Mingei Museum.  Photo: G.

I’m so easily distracted today.  When I go to check Facebook, I found almost fifty folks liking the new photo by G.  When I followed a link, I wandered the web for an hour before I woke up.  Peter Knego is taking a voyage in a most famous ship…the MV Astoria.  Once, long, long ago she sank the Andria Doria.   Bruce Peter wrote a new book.  Great French designer dead, crops rot as there is no one to pick them, and a plane crashes in Kathmandu.  A new photographer is discovered.  An old one visited.

It’s marvelous where you can go on the internet just following your fingers.

Of course, I should be doing laundry, I should be sewing, and perhaps I should be ripping out the crow that looks like a sea gull.  I’ll do all that in a minute or two…after I get over my distractions.
  • Himself:  He had trouble getting up.
  • Herself:  I was ready to go to the pool but easily gave in to coffee and a book in bed.
  • Reading:  Donna Leon.  I struggle with the Italian thinking.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I feel better.


  1. A great photo! The settng is grand!

  2. Fabulous museum. Love your jacket Mage, très elegant.

  3. Oh Mage.... This is totally beeeeauuutiful! You look fabulous! I love your outfit and the setting. Awesomesauce!

  4. I saw many boats and ships on my trip and wished you had been behind me whispering all that love of water transport and and knowledge as to me they were just ships.

  5. God bless distractions...they put the sparkle in life.

  6. As long as the crows don't look like chickens, they should be ok.



Celebration of Life