April 30, 2018


2007: I used to talk with Zac at the Employee Gate every day.

Sunday:  After a very losing game at Petco Park, we rolled on home to shower and hit an inspiring meeting.  Something we ate didn’t agree with either of us.  Dear friends expressed their caring over the loss of Claudia.  Talked with Joan…who I have to call today.

Monday:  Walk in the pool first.  The main focus in my life, after the pool, is laundry.  Make phone calls, return email, maybe I can read too.

Tuesday:  Skip pool so I can go to a very early Women’s Meeting.  Quilt…that’s the top line.  Groceries?  We do have to eat.  Read…maybe nap.

Wednesday is book day.  Pool for half an hour first.  I am hoping there has been some enthusiasm for the Nautical books. Lowering their price might have helped.  An art library was donated too.  Several shelves filled with good colorful stuff along with six shelves of cookbooks. 

Thursday is a Marta Day:  I swim then try very hard to stay out of her way.  When she leaves, I can quilt.

Friday: Swim, Work sorting.  If I am lucky I can play with books again.  Early dinner.  Meeting.  Life is getting abbreviated.

Saturday:  We putting Saturday Mornings.  I’m always looking for a pair of red ballet flats.  Dressy ones.  Although we check thrift stores everywhere, I’m also resorting to real stores.  In the afternoons, I will usually stay home.  We forgot the new Mingei show that opened two weeks ago, so this might be a good day to go. 
  • Himself:  His knee is doing ok, work is ok today too.  “We are having fun,” he reports.
  • Herself:  Stomach is sort of with me.  Grrr…Third load of laundry in the machine. 
  • Reading:  A romance/strong woman sort of book.
  • Watching:  Antiques Roadshow.
  • Gratitudes:  That I had Claudia in my life.


  1. I love antique roadshow...one of my favourites.

  2. We no longer have TV. People ask how I get along without it. I feel no different; it's been years since I've watched.

    1. We have rabbit ears that give us the weather, local news, and a couple of other programs, and we have Netflix--those are about all the t.v. worth watching as far as we're concerned. We read or work on our hobbies.

  3. You’ve lost a lot of friends recently Mage. It’s not easy. Take care.

  4. I remember those days!! You were good at your job and people hated to see you leave. I have to think I am totally losing it these days -- perhaps stress is the culprit. I'm reading into comments and your post and realize that I thought Joan had passed. She hasn't, has she?? I think I'm not retaining what I read or hear at times, and that tells me my short term memory is going. :/ Did you get my message about getting together?? (Now, I remembered THAT... maybe there's hope for me afterall!)

    1. Yes, and I sent a reply. Yes too, Joan Farman did die. Kennette lived with her until she died. You are not losing it. :)

  5. Have a great day today Mage, thinking about you.

  6. How neat that you are staying consistent with your pool walking. Wish I had one handy. Sure would be easy on the joints. Hope your stomach is all settled now.

  7. We have a friend who is in a coma right now. It's so hard...

  8. Love how you saved your life!



Celebration of Life