April 10, 2018


Pulley and lines on the Star of India.

Ever since I ground to a halt on The Crow Quilt, I knew I had to jump start myself somehow.  Hit myself over the head with some new thinking.  Get over that fear of failure.  So I added an AA meeting…a women’s meeting I used to go to.  There were women I knew…including my friend Pam who creates stained glass windows.  The topic was acceptance.

I will let you know how I do with the quilt today as I confront my failures...perhaps even accept them as I sew.

Himself:  A not bad queue.  Meeting last night, and fall asleep on my shoulder at nine-ish last night.
Herself:  You should have heard my brain at 0430 this morning.  Where do I park.  How do I get there?  Yes, everything had changed, but I survived.
Reading:  How the Light Get’s In by Penny.
Watching:  Who knows what.
Gratitude’s:  For my determination to change.  Found my DD-214 in the lockbox.


  1. I've come to 'accept' that I'm a terrible knitter but I still like to try.

  2. You got this, Mage. That crow quilt will be history!

  3. Acceptance is the key.........

  4. I wonder if this fear of failure is a byproduct of aging? Not just you, I mean, but a general sort of tendency in all of us.

  5. I do think acceptance is a great way to deal with most things we can't or don't feel like doing. I'm big on it.



Celebration of Life