April 11, 2018


Train engine with worn US flag.

I told my retired OR nurse friend that the CT nurse from Mercy Hospital sent me a note.

“They want your money,” she said.

I believe her, but I still have a little glow about the note from the nice CT scan lady. 

Tomorrow I am having an Endoscopy.  I hope the test will tell me what happened to the abdominal wall.  I do have to come up with warm socks for the procedure, and a responsible person to bring me home. 

That’s going to be the hard one.
  • Himself:  Got his teeth cleaned and they are perfect.
  • Herself:  A little nervous about tomorrow.  Got many compliments about the books today.  They always look really good on Wednesdays after I have straightened them up.
  • Reading:  The Beautiful Mystery, Penny.  Just started it.  Picked up several Box books from work and “The Casserole Queens Cookbook.”  It looked like a lot of fun.
  • Watching:  Something.
  • Gratitude’s:  Called the VA and got an appointment to get plugged back into the system.


  1. Good luck tomorrow. I guess warm socks are in short supply there.

  2. Warm socks & reliable transport. Good stuff!

  3. I have been starting various 'recommended' books and finding them depressing and downers even if well-written. Then I find something light and it is such a bore! I have to do better research. Good luck with your procedure and I want to read what the results are. Warm socks are good all the time. I do not take mine off until May.

    1. Have you tried Louise Penny or Mayor in the mystery catagory. They start quietly. Therre's always Mrs. Polifax. :)

  4. Hope all goes well tomorrow and your fears are erased. Ice scream will help with the mild sore throat. Let us know the results when you know.

  5. Whether they're worm socks or warm socks, I wish you well.

  6. Every time I put on a pair of my World's Softest Socks I think of you and how I thought they were called The World's WARMEST Socks. LOL They're still like gold on my feet!



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