April 21, 2018



Today is Earth Day.  Last night G and I watched a two hour long episode of Nova about Climate and Weather.  Although I knew much of what the show was about, I didn’t know that trees held on to Carbon Dioxide, nor did I remember that the primary cause of the ocean warming is also Carbon Dioxide.  The show was fascinating.

We did our very small part at the Discovery Shop yesterday.  Our two day plant sale featured low water use plants.  These were all put in containers by two of our caring volunteers.   The ingenuity in potting them put a smile on my face.

While shoppers bought plants, I moved books around.  Most of the aeronautical books have sold, but few of the boat books.  I thought it would be the other way around.  And too, the cookbooks now have a bookcase of their own.  While I shuffled the volumes around, the plants moved out the door rapidly.  That children’s quilt was still there….at $3.00.  Of course I bought it.  Perhaps Zoe would like it.
  • Himself:  Stomach fine.  Leg looking vastly better.  I’ll get him to take some of the stored cookbook donation to the shop for me.  He goes to work today then….
  • Herself:  …to a show of an old friends work in Spanish Village.  I’ll go up to the Park with him.  Bought that quilt.  It was priced at $3.00.
  • Reading:  I bought the new Box but it is so negative that I’m reading “A Palm for Mrs. Polifax” instead.
  • Watching:  National Geographic's "One Strange Rock!"  Really good.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I feel pretty good despite all the lifting yesterday.


  1. Good to hear G is mending. I'm so glad you rescued the quilt, I would have it were me. I've changed my patio plants to succulents, trying plan them better so I can move them inside. We always have a nasty freeze in the winter and I thought I could shelter them outside last winter but I was wrong!

  2. Plants in the house are an important part of the decor. When we moved here we didn’t have any plants for a few months. It wasn’t until we had some plants that the house felt like home.

  3. Such pretty little succulents! I cut back to one plant, the ten year old orchid that loves me.
    Thank you for taking home the little quilt.

  4. You sure have some great deals in that little shop.

  5. Hmmmm, the boat books don't seem to be taking flight.

  6. What a great idea with the plants. Well executed too.

  7. What adorable plant containers. They made the succulents irresistible.

  8. What is the Box? You sound as though healing has begun and you are both returning to normal I tried to IM about the NOVA show. MIssed it, but will try to stream it. I can get streaming from PBS as I donate.

  9. I do so wish I lived closer. The only times I have the slightest regret for moving away is when I miss my friends there. I missed your photo of the children's quilt... I can't imagine $3 for ANY quilt. Such a deal. It was meant for you!



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