April 13, 2018


They don’t use sprays on the throat any more.  The thought of nothing to stop the gagging really worried me. 

“We have a gargle tho,” said the nurse.  “It tastes really awful, but it works the same as the spray.”

I went for it, and it didn’t taste awful to me.  By the time I reached the procedure itself, I was out.  The doctor told me later that he found “Muscular/skeletal damage, a hiatal hernia, and gastritis.”  He did a biopsy too.  Results of all this in ten days….nine days now.

Yes, I slept on and off all day as did G when he had this done.
  • Himself:  Hives less.  He’s pretty good today.  Five people laid off two days ago.
  • Herself:  Really pretty good expect for soreness.  Got permission to get in the pool, so I went with G this morning.  Work, meeting, TV, and read.  Left my good coffee travel cup at work…let us hope they didn’t sell it or throw it away.
  • Reading:  Penny.
  • Watching:  Nothing that I know of.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I am here, that I got to go to the pool again and was welcomed.


  1. I didn't realize they would put you out. I feel much better about it now.

  2. Glad you got that over with, Mage.

  3. They put me out too but feel for you with the throat pain. Mine didn't last long. Hope all those are easy fixes and the biopsy is negative. Let us know.

  4. Still sprays last time this happened to me. My chief concern was the spray wouldn't go everywhere. Funny, our concerns.

  5. they just put me out for mine.

  6. I have lung issues and one of these days may have to go through that procedure, I cannot say you made me eager. I am so glad you can get into the pool as I know you do enjoy that. Keeping fingers crossed, but that is just for extra.



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