July 1, 2018


Photo of Claudia on a hike from her “Celebration of Life” invitation. Facebook.  Photo: Kay

We started our day rather down as we headed over the Point to Claudia’s Celebration of Life.  Her family went way out of their way with catered foods, nicely set tables, and lots of laughter filled stories too.  They had a wonderful slide show that included her many adventures for she was always on the go.  Jokes about things like her racecar driving and her bucket list trips had us laughing and delighted.  Only one grandson left us with tears in our eyes.  The occasion was made better by the many friends who were there.

Later in the afternoon, we changed from our more formal attire into warm layers and headed to Mission Bay for Glen and Robin’s wedding.  Thirty five had been invited, but over a hundred showed.  There was great enthusiasm all around.  Hurrah, the sun came out at last.  We even hummed the wedding song as the bride walked up the aisle.  Great lengths of tables were lined with foods.  Many came from the morning’s celebration to this one also.  Amazingly, we didn’t know half the folks there, but it was a truly happy gathering. 

Robin and Glen’s wedding photo from the Facebook invitation.

We left a little early as a carless girl we know had a job.  Mexican food to go went well, and everyone had a grand time.

  • Himself:  Costco as we are out  of stuff…like muffins.
  • Me, myself, and I:  Should have taken my walker as the bathroom seemed a mile away from the wedding celebration.
  • Reading:  Hillerman.
  • Gratitude’s:  That we are trying the scooter out with a trip to the Swapmeet today.


  1. You day celebrated life. Wonderful!

  2. Hope the scooter is a great success. That was a full day. I'd need a nap.

  3. Sounds like a busy day and hope the scooter is working out well.

  4. Actually two celebrations of life in one day. One the end and the other a beginning but both warm and special.

  5. Boy you are keeping superbusy!! Great energy you both must have! (Sorry, that sounds like Yoda.)



Celebration of Life