July 3, 2018


First place winner…check out the tractor in the center.

It’s that time of year again.  The Midway is lined with food vendors, the junque sales are off to the left in three large buildings, and the arts, photography, woodworking, kids stuff, and all the rest of it are all off to the right.  We aren’t going this year.  Cost is a factor for us gimpies.  So I am reliving it all vicariously.

Mid-afternoon, he gets the gooey roll, and I get the cream puff.

We are pretty united on the things we like best.  He could spend hours with the woodworking and jewelry displays.  I agree they are wonderful, but I want to rush to the photography show, art show, and domesticities.  Just leave me with the quilts, fabrics, sewing…that’s my home away from home.  You might have to jackhammer both of us out of the sales buildings.  He gets the car wax here.  I get my good southwest jewelry here, or did until the couple retired.

First place in place setting.

I keep saying that I’m going to enter place settings.  I own all these unique collectible dishes that no one else has…so why not?  I never remember.  Until G got this job, he had pieces to enter in the woodworking.  Our enthusiasms remain tho.

We always walk the midway, we go through all the animals, the birds, the car sales area….and sign up for a free one.  We love the firemen’s destruction derby.  We used to enthuse about crashing our little cars into each other…but not any more.  I still want to have a neck. 
  • Himself:  Long hours yesterday.  Less today.  Lots of bed early.
  • Me, myself, and I:  Laundry, groceries, and finished the Conic Con overdress.  I don’t like it, and I will make another for next year.
  • Reading:  Hillerman
  • Gratitude’s:  So glad that the Comic Con stuff is done.  The world is filled with sunshine too.


    1. We call them fall fairs....I haven't been to one in years. Maybe this year.

    2. Great place setting! Love the colours!

    3. I've been to a county fair once since I was a young adult, and that was an invitation to judge weaving. I wan never asked again, probably because I asked the princely sum of $50 to cover time and expense. I knew many of the other judges from art shows, and was made painfully aware only I had said yes, I would like to be reimbursed, when asked. Showing how provincial we all are.
      The quilt is so well done. All those small blue squares are registry blocks, to keep the big blocks square. This all is paper piecing, and the wonder off size blocks, like the tractor, are compensated in their row by smaller fill in blocks like the corn and tomatoes, and the spools of thread. I am so impressed by the work.

    4. There's something about a fair. Enjoy.

    5. I always love to go for the animals.
      Have a safe and wonderful 4th.



    Celebration of Life