July 22, 2018


We got there too early for our assignments, but after trying to get coffee we got both just in the knick of time.  Portfolio Review again.    I remembered my pen.  Switched to bigger chair.  They must have lost a lot of volunteers over the years because they now walk you to your job.  Then three hours finding wandering artists and sitting them outside the interview booth while the previous one is getting a critique. 

George has taken to calling this Line A Con.

Lunch on the job then off to cruise the giant sales floor.  Artist’s Alley is a particular part of the floor where art and artists get part of a table, and they can show off their work and answer questions.  It’s supposed to be for newcomers, but I noted that most were grey haired and were nearing my age.  I thought that said a lot.  I did try to photograph a wide variety of artists booth.  The photo above, shows 2 artists sharing a 6 foot table.  Only the really good ones get one to a booth.  One is talking and the other is drawing.

Subway for dinner.  Back to do a little more of the floor and photograph costumes.  There were fewer costumes, I thought for this costume day.  I saw some wonderful ingenuity tho.  Home and in bed almost immediately. 

  • Himself:  Didn’t sleep well.  Knee kept him up all night.  Boy was he cranky.  Loves working Portfolio Review, so that perked him up.
  • Myself:  Had a great day but tired early.
  • Reading:  Gigi McCaffrey.
  • Gratitude’s:  To Todd McCaffrey for turning me on to his sister’s Pern book.


  1. It sounds like an amazing day amid creative people!

  2. They look pretty good from what I can see from the posters.

  3. Exhausting, but you will have filled up your need for art for a while and have lots of hours ahead sorting your photos. We got over 5 inches of rain yesterday, sun and rain today, so my life is currently on hold. Trying to entertain friends from Hawaii...in THIS weather!

  4. I keep reading about the event in the news but is is more fun hearing your version.

  5. Have learned a lot about Comic Con on both your blog and by watching "The Big Bang Theory". It looks like a lot of fun.

    Sorry to hear of George's knee problems. Hope that abates.



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