July 23, 2018


It was the usual crowded Comic Con, but we loved it.  Zoe joined us this last day, and she was a wonderfully poised, delightful 13 year old.  She knew all the costumes, and she was quite unafraid and rushed right up and talked to everyone.  They grinned and talked right back.

I worked nine to noon at a much reduced Portfolio Review area.  No one showed up to my booth at all.  While I practiced patience, they went to the new Scooby-Doo movie.  They loved it.  I joined them after the panel on the New Comic Con Museum…she said she enjoyed it.

We toured the main floor till go home time, and Margot met us at the stadium parking lot.  Home to get clean, change clothes, and go to a meeting.

  • Himself:  Work at 6 and says work is horrible.  His boss went on a two week vacation.
  • Myself:  So glad we went.  Off to set up a book sale at my work.
  • Reading:  The new Pre-published Gigi McCaffrey still.
  • Gratitude’s:  That we were able to give back at the Convention.  That the sun stayed out and the days were beautiful.  That I saw many friends every day.


  1. And a good time was had by all!

  2. What a treat to have your girl with you! Grandkids are the best!

  3. Love the smiles and that you had a young-un along.

  4. Wow, that went quickly. Looks like you have a future Comic Con devotee in the family.

  5. It must have been nice to have some of that youthful exuberance around.



Celebration of Life