July 18, 2018


George coming down Peter’s hall that’s lined with wood and artifacts from wonderful ocean liners of the past.
We started early, and made it to the Dermatologist’s office right on time.  He agreed that the skin on my arms is the perfect sample of ruined skin, but removed only one spot to biopsy.  After doing a drive by at various stations looking for parking spots, we parked at the Qualcomm Station. 

The scooter came out of the trunk easily.  It was awkward to manipulate on board the trolley, but it was easy to get off.  It’s all a rolling new experiment.  Rough over the tracks, just fine up hills, and a bit uncomfortable to sit on for three hours to fold and packing the bag-backpacks.  Taking it fast over the tracks causes it to stall.  We will probably do it all again today.

Thatssss All For Tuesday Folksssssssss.

  • Himself:  An elated man who had a lot of fun.
  • Me, myself, and I:  The first time we weren’t together on a job.  I’m still able to move this morning.
  • Reading:  ”Bliss”
  • Gratitude’s:  George made sandwiches.  Everybody was having fun everywhere.  I was still able to move at the end of the day.  Glad they have a Disabled Services group to answer questions.


  1. You a getting the hang of that scooter Mage. You’ll be a pro before long.

  2. You probably wouldn't have chosen to be perfect in that particular way. :)

  3. You have no idea how I admire your stamina. That scooter seat gets awful; the payoff is you could stand it and got to see stuff. Go, go, go.

    1. Me too, I keep waiting for the tiredness to hit, but the bunny keeps on going. George took a three hour nap this afternoon.

  4. My Dermatologist shakes his head over my skin also. So glad the scooter is working so well. Keep on rolling.



Celebration of Life