July 10, 2018


walking by the dry and hanging
the colors knock me out with their
Even my Hawaiian mumu’s
seem to blend in without
a fight with those other
summer colors.
I pause
and laugh,
then carry the colors in my
mind up the long
long upstairs climb
but don’t bring the clothes
with me
to hang up.

  • Himself:  Yesterday was the heaviest workday ever, yet he managed to stay awake through a committee meeting for Next year’s Spring Round Up. Panel Committee.  Today’s work is a little lighter.
  • Me, myself, and I:  On the Information Committee yet kept thinking about it as if it were the Transportation Committee.  Yesterday: Swim, laundry, groceries, and more laundry.  Today I am framing some work and hanging others.  Quilting, I hope, perhaps a nap.
  • Reading:  Hillerman.
  • Gratitude’s:  For being here.  For being able to give back too.  Especially grateful that all the boys and their coach made it out of their cave.


  1. Apparently you really really like blue. I like greens myself.

  2. Love the poem. The nap sounds good about now.

  3. You two are great. I can no longer stay awake in a committee meeting that lasts more than half an hour. I wonder if it's circulatory? Oh well. Same problem with Netflix, I watch a lot of it in small chunks or standing up.

    1. I do fine with Netflix, but I can't sit at my computer or read a book and stay awake.

    2. Amen to that... I snooze in front of the computer but have to be careful not to touch the keyboard when I doze off (much less the mouse wheel). Have you checked out 'The Sniffer' on Netflix? It's Russian with English subtitles. Fascinating... murder mystery.

  4. Nope, my job to bring the clothes upstairs.......

    1. You ARE a keeper! Thankfully, we have the dumbwaiter, but our laundry is upstairs, as is our bedroom and bath(s), so the only time we have to bring any laundry up is after guests have left and my niece sees to it that her bed is stripped and everything brought up and put into the laundry room. I have to go strip the grandson's beds... haven't quite got them house-trained yet. ;)

  5. I wondered how they made it up the stairs. George sure is handy.



Celebration of Life