July 25, 2018


Steampunk with wings.  Such joy.

I did spend a block of my day looking at photos from Comic Con.  This one is just about the best shot I made.  I didn’t even have to crop it.

  • Himself:  Work: Monday and Tuesday were awful, but todays queue looks much lighter.
  • Myself:  The book sale runs until the 28th, and every day I have to go in and tidy it up.
  • Reading:  Bliss…kiddy lit I discovered.
  • Gratitude’s:  That the laundry, stuff to the cleaners, grocery shopping, and book stuff were all done so easily.  Returned neighbor took us out to dinner.  I had Crème Brule…and it was heaven.


  1. Terrific shot, terrific costume, happy looking lad and I especially love his 'pet' on his arm.

  2. Yep, creme brulee is my favorite. Usually in smaller servings too. I have to go do laundry now. Stayed in bed until 12:00 because of this awful cold!! I fixed my grandson some ramen as hubby is off to a meeting. I tried not to sneeze while doing it.

    1. I am so very sorry. I'll feed him if you ship him this way.

  3. That is one amazing costume. He should be proud.



Celebration of Life