July 26, 2018


He works in the disabled area handing out badges.
It’s quiet outside.  The heat slows everyone down especially me.  All day I’ve been thinking of little things I want to say, but all thoughts have fled my overheatedness.  I so hope you all have a cooler day.

  • Himself:  Another very hard day starting at 6 with only a half hour for lunch.  Scrubbing the BBQ after dinner.
  • Myself:  Straightened the books at the  store.  Dentist for a cleaning.  Made arrangements for a new partial so I don’t look like the homeless man outside their door.  Lunch, nap, working on Comic Con photos.
  • Reading:  Skimming Bliss.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I found two shirts at the store.  That Katy sent me a great 1929 Booklett to read and pass on to Bobbie, and that I didn’t have any cavities.



Celebration of Life