August 9, 2018


Round house work.

Heading out of LA Union station, I always keep a lookout for restoration work.  (In the background are the downtown buildings of LA.)  Here the round house building, if there ever was one, is gone.  We can see a great variety of work being done on an even greater variety of rolling stock. 

On the far left, you can see a couple of Amtrak cars, a dome car from the 1950’s, a piece of modern motive power #153, and various work items before a fenced area.  Inside that right side fenced section is a black box-like fuel tender, and a beautiful steam engine under restoration.  The Tender says Santa Fe.  I really love finding things like this.

Perhaps someone knows which engine and tender this might be?  Do let me know.  Thanks.

  • Himself:  Working, hard, talking hard, and lost his temper with someone this morning.  He can only do so much.
  • Myself:  Too fat to fit in shorts.  More laundry, I’m not going out in this 100 degree weather today.  Margot is cooling one room as her bill last month is astronomical.
  • Reading:  Book 3 in the Library series.
  • Gratitude’s:  Great day at work yesterday, sheets in the wash today, house in the 70’s.


  1. So hoping that you all get some cooler weather!! Our AC bill is also high and we are only in the high 80's in the afternoons. I look forward to cool fall. Hoping that hubby is in a lighter mood today, we wish him the best!

  2. This heat will put a strain on anyone's good nature. Stay cool as you can.

  3. Electric bills are high here this summer too. The heat and humidity are high and costly!

  4. Hope you get some relief soon Mage. This heat wears everyone out. My son is only cooling his bedroom in his apartment because of the cost. I'm lucky to have an efficient system but even so the bill is twice as much as last year. And I've a couple of really unusual crabby spells too. Glad I'm not working right now.



Celebration of Life