September 18, 2018



Yes, I remembered my glasses

I even remembered to dust them

before I put them on

so my eyes don’t tear all over my face

from my allergies.

I remembered my pads

so I don’t leak in public

when I cough.

Into my mouth went my new teeth

which I hate as they don’t fit right.

I wouldn’t forget them.

I pop in my new ears

I like them a lot

As I can hear what you say now.

I laid everything out on the bed

before I took my shower…

underwear pants, shirt, jeans jacket

black denim pants, and black and white

stripy shirt.

When I finished scrubbing, rinsing,

towel drying my hair until it curled,

I thought…

How do I turn off the shower.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • Himself:  More work, work, work.
  • Myself:  Meeting, laundry, Million Veteran Program, laundry, dinner, and more closet.
  • Reading:  The Last of FEAR.  My dentist didn’t believe Woodword.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I have a driver’s license.  The sun is out.


  1. Those look quite like Laura's new glasses. She likes them.

  2. Getting ready to go out these days takes more paraphernalia than when we were young. Still it is good we can still go out.

  3. As they say, aging ain't for the faint of heart.

  4. making a list, checking it twice.....

  5. Getting older seems we have so many more things to remember and then our brain can only hold so many items. Lists, laying things out, asking the spouse...we have to rely on all the tools at hand.

  6. How do I turn off the shower....that's just one small hiccup in an otherwise perfect done good.

  7. I can so identify with all you say. This really hits me to my heart.

  8. Well, you got all your parts put together — that’s what matters.



Celebration of Life