October 6, 2018



Portland Union Station.

Dear Friends:
Hacked.  One of my longtime blogger and Facebook friends said she got a friend request from me yesterday.  Since I had no reason to do that, I went in to the personal stuff and changed everything.  Except my email address.  They have one I don’t use….as does Blogger. 

I use Messenger on Facebook.  Simple but a little more private.  I use only one email address, and that usually gets stuff from organizations.  Obviously I seem to be withdrawing.  Shame on me.  This national fetish for privacy has gotten to me too. 

Just think, now you don’t even know my name….
  • Himself:  Conquering the world.  Amvets shopping, breakfast out, and working at the Auto Museum.
  • Myself:  Changing everything, sending you this note, Amvets, breakfast, sewing.  Yesterday I took pants in about two inches.
  • Reading:  The new Monk by Perry.
  • Gratitude’s:  George, Pat, cooler weather.
  • Notes:  I received six notes.  If you left me a not yesterday, you might check your settings.


  1. Sadly, in this day and age you have to keep one step ahead of the bad guys.

  2. A lot of my FB friends are being hacked.
    I had already gone in and changed my privacy settings, so only friends can see my posts.
    It's getting scary how bad guys can find out all our information.

  3. Congratulations on your achievement, though it involved alteration and sewing machines.

  4. Changed my fb pw today too, thanks to your reminder. It was overdue anyway.

  5. I am careful also. Congrats big time on the two inches.

  6. This hacking racket is disgusting! Haven’t they got anything better to do?

  7. I’ve seen that happen to several friends. I’ve been really wanting to erase my Facebook account, but can’t quite seem to do it. However, I don’t write on it at all anymore.

  8. I got that same 'friend' message from two friends that I rarely talk to online. I went in and immediately changed my password. Then I discovered it's a hoax that's making the rounds. They want you to forward it to everyone you know. I don't think so... LOL They need to get a life and quit being a pain in the you-know-what! Love you! me



Celebration of Life