October 7, 2018


I remembered to wear pink every day this month.  It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Just because I don’t volunteer for the ACS any more doesn’t mean my passion to find a cure has lessened. 

I pull the Crow Quilt out from the machine, and I am disappointed in the blandness of the work.  It’s about half done now, and the gold crows vanish into the strong values of the background.  I plug on.

I get used to days without the structure I created with my volunteer activities.  Oh, I still volunteer.  I’m doing this and that and this again.  I read and play with my books.  I think about getting rid of them.  I have enough new books to keep me busy now, but pretty soon I will have to become a library patron again.  I suggest that we stop by a bookstore or two, but he ignores me.  Sensible man.

  • Himself:  Playing that Civilization 3.  Errands.
  • Myself:  Errands with himself to a PB estate sale, HD, and Costco.
  • Reading:  Imagine, nothing at the moment.
  • Gratitude’s:  That we had a CO2 alarm, and that the world is so quiet outside today.


  1. I'm sure you will fill your days well.

  2. Hope you can "restructure" your life with something you enjoy. Another one of those life adjustments sigh.

  3. Are there colored threads to use for detail? So tedious, but great potential.

  4. Hard to imagine you without a book, Mage.

  5. Have you considered getting a Kindle? That’s what I use these days..

    1. I have one, but they are so heavy to hold. I prop books up in my lap on pillows. Cheap paper is lighter too.

    2. What generation Kindle do you have? The ones with built in keyboards are indeed heavier than the Paperwhite. My niece bought me a Paperwhite a couple of years ago to replace the 3rd Gen. one I received back in 2009 as a birthday present from the younger sister. The Paperwhite is much lighter, so I try to not leave home without it. ;)

  6. I think I like routines more and have trouble when something demanding comes to an end. I feel guilty and must fill it and then hate the new thing! CO2 alarm?? Hope that was resolved rapidly.

    1. Yes, but the new one needed a new base. It took about 15 minutes to install. I like some routines, but I was getting tired of the store and the new manager. Actually physically tired. Right now I feel liberated and delighted to see you.

    2. Having to deal with difficult people or those with a negative personality takes a lot of energy. No wonder you're tired. Enjoy that feeling of liberation and if you really do need something to fill that time slot, trust the Universe to bring it to your door!

  7. Soon you will wonder how you got everything done and volunteered also. Time seems to slip by.



Celebration of Life