October 12, 2018


1981: Old tower 4.  No ramp or stairs for lifeguard access.

I was not myself last week or even yesterday.  Today I am almost bloomingly well.  One hour more sleep will do that for you.  Did I even brush my teeth yesterday?  Did I put my ears in?  I napped in my chair and gained an ugly headache from it. 

I woke this morning with a smile, nary a headache in sight, ate my yogurt in bed with the news on but silent, and read my 1950’s Cadell to the end.  Heaven indeed.

Did I have a touch of some malaise?  Was it the flu shot?  Was it just not enough sleep?  It’s been suggested that I stay in the now.  Now is a pretty good place.

·                  Himself:  A not too bad Friday, meeting.
·                  Myself:  Eight hours sleep.  Dishes and no laundry before quilting.
·                  Reading:  Another Cadell.
·                  Gratitude’s:  Sleep and G letting me have another hour of sleep.


  1. My sleep patterns have been weird these last few nights. Does not seem to be tied to my food or what I imbibed...maybe taking medicines too late before I retire? Hubby on the other hand has that deep sleep of the ignorant 😊😊 innocent.

    1. Mine is in pain all night long, so he get's up often.

    2. I had to laugh reading your post -- my husband falls asleep by 10 p.m., especially if I've picked a boring movie on Netflix. I guide him off to bed and then stay up. He sleeps in until about 8 a.m. so he gets 8-10 hrs. of sleep a night. I typically get 5, give or take. Afternoon naps on the couch (or in front of the computer) are a must! He sleeps the sleep of the dead!! LOL There are times when I envy his ability to just drop off and stay deep asleep like he does.

  2. Love the sketch. Who would want to come down from that perch anyway?

    1. If someone was drowning right in front of tower 4, the lifeguard has to get down to save them. :)

  3. Yes and amen to sleep. I slept eight hours last night, and dozed a couple more. I think a lot of catch up was involved.

  4. I've been achy and have been having such a time with leg cramps. This too shall pass! Glad you're feeling better. George is such a loving person... Hugs and love to you both!

  5. Sleeping pattern has been irregular for me seems no matter what I try. My friend complains the same is true for her and husband. Wonder if it’s the time of year — though I don’t know why that would be so — or something in the air here in So Cal.

  6. Could have been the shot. Malaise is a side effect. I'm a big believer in enough sleep making us happy campers. I know I can feel the difference.



Celebration of Life