October 13, 2018


Here’s a larger lady tucked in bed and writing in Journal Number 5. She’s working on Number 50 now.  It is too small for a portrait here.
·       George is cheering as he managed to get Comic Con Badges within the first 15 minutes.  He and I will volunteer 3 days then use a regular badge on Sunday.  Zoe has a four day badge.  Margot will come as my handicapt helper.  If G’s knee isn’t fixed by then, two of us will be riding.
·       I was up after eight hours of sleep, no coffee, no breakfast, no meds, to go off and have my blood drawn.  Monday I will call and schedule another MRI…totally out of the blue.  A follow up, her assistant said, for the Adrenal Mass.  What Adrenal Mass, I replied.
·       We have been driving Grumpy all week.  It’s been a pleasure to see things again.
·       Monday I go downtown to the Central Library to meet the boss man for Friends of the Library.  If I pass inspection, Tuesday or Thursday I will go up to the branch on Park Ave and see if I like their way of sorting books and see if they like me.
·       Day after day I wear a thigh compression tube…and it works.  Slowly my thigh get’s smaller, but more importantly, both legs swell less.  Heavenly.
·       Edit: At the estate sale, He found a giant box of mostly excellent, name brand, silk ties.  He bought the whole box for ten bucks.  He will discard many wonderful ties in browns and boring grey greens.  I have sorted them by color.
Himself:  He’s wearing long pants. He must think the weather cold. Estate saale.  Breakfast, museum, dinner.
Myself:  Long pants as it rained last night,  Quilt, read, dinner, et al.
Reading:  Another Cadell…she has such a sense of humor.  The last two have been 1954.
Gratitude’s:  George, Cadell.


  1. How fun to pick up a part time, volunteer gig. You will bowl them over at a job they either dislike or have no time for. Journal 50 lady is delightful.

  2. So glad to hear that things are improving for you.

  3. Love the sketch! Hope the library experience works out since you so enjoy being around books!

  4. Your sketches are quite good. Hope you enjoy your new gig with the library. Of course you will pass inspection.



Celebration of Life