October 20, 2018


Sometimes there’s a lot to write about, other times my mind devolves to trivia or even silence.  Writing every day has been interesting but not thought filled.  Mostly I have no topics or my head is filled with that ever present sawdust.  It’s been fascinating though.

Writing every day is something I used to do in my hard bound journals.  Checking the scans of the doodles from the old journals to share here, I note many are surrounded by my neat printing.  My handwriting isn’t readable any more.  I haven’t drawn much in years. 

Sharing the old doodles was inspired by my artist friend Robin.  She got her Masters in Fine Arts from Yale.  Now she teaches science…but she posts a doodle on Facebook every day.  So far I have found only drawings to 1983.  I find my journal drawings aren’t here from 1983 to 1988.  There’s a great silence while I went back to college. 

When I finally graduated in 1989, I began using photographs to illustrate my entries.  Lots of strictly tourist sort of photographs in the beginning such as, “Here we are at the Tate,”  or “here we are on the train”, the “bus,” or anywhere.  After weeks in Europe with a Sony floppy disc camera, we returned with a hundred some discs holding thousands of out of focus pictures. 

Today, I still produce a certain number of fuzzy images, but I so enjoy illustrating my entries with my images.  Unlike another much loved blogger, I don’t have spectacular scenery to shoot.  But I photograph things anyway.  Today I will take my camera to a book sale.  There’s an estate sale too.  The sun is out, and we are smiling and out too.  My images allow me to take you with me. 


  1. And I appreciate it. Your drawings are wonderful.

  2. My handwriting is also pretty awful. It never was the greatest, but ...

    I have never really journaled, which I guess is why I have kept my blog going for so long. It gives me a reason to write, even though they are mostly photos these days.

  3. I love your sketches and your photos, Mage. You give us a wonderful sample of you and your life!

  4. The keyboard has corrupted my handwriting also. Sometimes I wonder why the bank doesn't return my checks as forgeries. Really enjoy your sketches.

  5. I've noticed my own handwriting is getting bad. It's probably from lack of use rather than age-related. (hope, hope) Typing is just so much easier. Hugs to you both...


  6. I like reading a post that can make men and women think. Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!



Celebration of Life