June 8, 2019


My hands shake,
they don’t want to tweeze that
long black hair growing from my chin
nor do they like tightening
the screw in my glasses.
Every surgery I have, the shaking
grows worse, grows more violent
and I’m unable to do those
small things that make life
like eat a meal with a fork.

My mother’s hands shook a lot
and I hated it,
hated her touch,
especially after a night out drinking
with my father.

My grandmother’s hands shook too.
I never minded a bit
as her hands
always shook with love.


  1. Oh Mage...
    This is so poignant.

  2. I love this poem about the generations of women in your family.

  3. Your grandmother? I see arthritis in her poor, dear hands. I see such beauty in your memory of her.

  4. Shaking hands make everything harder..writing, painting, taking pictures and yes, also the basic needs of the day like drinking from a glass. My dad was having tremors in his hands before he passed. Half full cups of tea were the rule of the day.

    1. I often rest the glass on my bottom teeth. :)

  5. It seems to be congenital to some degree. My BiL's hands have shook for quite some time even though he is five years younger, maybe 6.

  6. shaking is frustrating, indeed!

  7. How frustrating that must be. We want to inherit the talents and good health from our ancestors, not the ailments but our genes have other ideas. Hopefully modern medicine can find a way to bring you relief or a way to cope.

  8. So sad. Was it due to a nerve illness or just the residuals of the love of alcohol? I am reading a novel about an historian who is working with a treasure find of documents from a Rabbi in the 1600's. It is fiction, but she is quite elderly and this will be her swan project and she has to hire a younger, less respectful man to handle the papers as her hands shake on certain days.

    1. It's all very recent. I would guess that they are the side effects of the anesthetic from my last two surgeries. I have an appointment with the neurologist about them.

  9. Robert now has a tremor in his hands...

    1. I am sooooooooo sorry. But I am full of joy to see you here this morning.

  10. Your word pull at the heartstrings.

  11. I hope you get some answers about your hand tremors. Perhaps at some point, if they continue, a doctor’s order to see an Occupational Therapist who focuses on such hand issues could intervene to aid you in developing compensatory skills and recommend devices with which to safely cope to increase your quality of life for daily living including adaptations for accommodating your artistic talents. At the very least eating, drinking and self-care are critical functional daily living skills an O.T. could determine if Medicare and/or plus a supplemental insurance might cover.



Celebration of Life