July 5, 2019


The men and women of comic con make their own armor.  Amazing isn’t it.  When I saw the real stuff in London, it didn’t look as good as this.  I’ve been armoring my way through expensive procedures this morning.  And I hope, if I have my armor held closely about me, I am done with medical stuff for a while.


  • Himself:  G went to work at 4 so he could take me to the PET machine.  I, filled with modern nuclear medicine, then ate breakfast he made and drank hot coffee out in the truck.
  • Myself:  Slept well last night at last.  Dozed in the machine.  Dozed 45 minutes waiting for the med to work it’s was through.
  • Photo:  Mine.
  • Reading:  An old Anne McCaffrey series of short stories.
  • Gratitude’s:  For the caring of the staff at IMg and G.  I love warm blankets.


  1. Those comic con armorers are amazing. Watched a couple of u-toob flix on it. So creative.
    Thinking healing thoughts for you.

  2. That looks like a samurai sword. What an incredible costume.

  3. Lovely and ingenious armor. Hugs to G for his good and kind care; may you now be through with all the tests and procedures.

  4. Glad that part is over Mage. Good wishes sent across the continent.

  5. Boy that armor would be hard to snuggle up to. Aren't those warm blankets the BEST. Who ever thought of that is my hero. Hope you stay free of medical shops for a long time.

  6. Glad to hear you're through with anything medical for a while. I know I promised to call the pulmonary dr. but failed to take into account that the promise was made on a Friday. Grrrr... I am better today, but will call my regular dr. on Mon. and try to get in. I'm fairly sure I have to have a referral so better go through the motions and do it right. Healing hugs to you... and gratitude for G!0

  7. I hope you are on the mend from your biopsy procedure. Know that I am thinking of you ... Hugs and love, T



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