July 8, 2019


Three days ago, our internet died.  No computer, no cable so no TV…and we are left to our own devices.  Very 1950ish here.  George still has all his computer games, and I have all my books…plus a library up the street.  Quiet.  Actually I like it.

FRIDAY: We went shopping Friday night at JCPennys 50% off sale.  G’s mom trained her boys that shopping was the cure for all ills.  I had fun anyway, but G was good and didn’t buy the blue blazer he wanted.

Dear G ranted a bit when he called our service.  He does work from home.  He does not have to take me to my Monday neurology appointment at ten.  But, he can use that as an excuse to get off work for the day.  Has a retirement date.  The last of December.  My teasing him made him call Social Security to confirm the date.

SATURDAY:  Breakfast with Pam.  When he left for work, Pam brought me home to see my finished Comic Con costume.  She likes it as do I.

SUNDAY:  Stayed in bed late with a book.  A lite breakfast.  We are sticking to G’s Keto diet.  Fund a cookbook at Costco that We can both use and is interesting.  G installed, with a gigante struggle, a new toilet seat upstairs.  The bolts were rusted solid.  Dressed up a bit, and went to the Sunday meeting.  Celebrating the Women’s Cup Win.

MONDAY: The repair man came and once again we are connected to the world.  G and the repair man went down and inspected the installation.  It looks as if a new installation was made for a new neighbor using our power booster.  They redid everything and we once again are online and have TV again.  Saw the neurologist today.  Last time.  I had a terrific lost word episode while with him, and he told me that I was still within the bounds of normal.  He has a cure for my shakey hands. 

TUESDAY  Haircut.


  1. Look forward to seeing your Comic Con costume.

    Glad it went well with the neurologist!

  2. Getting old is not for the weak of heart. Hang in there. I can assure you that I have friends who have bigger battles and I worry for them but am assured when I read your post. Blessings that both of you still have Comic Con and I do not understand how things get screwed up with a new neighbor getting their Internet installed!! Wow.

  3. Sounds good. Isn't strange how easily all those electronic connections can disappear? Spent a week away from home, did have my phone but rarely used it. No TV, no PC, no nuttin' and life goes on quite well.

  4. Good for G and the toilet seat installation. I once set off a bathroom disaster, asking for a new toilet seat installation on Super Bowl Sunday.

  5. Congratulations on joining this century again :-)

  6. We are so dependent on our devices now.

  7. Sometimes it is good to go device free but only for so long. Then the angst set in. Glad you are connected again.
    Cool the the neurologist has a cure for you. Tell him to get with it.

  8. We're on the same wavelength, Mage. I had my neurologist appointment and I cut my hair. :- )
    Sigh. I miss our JC Penny's. We don't have one in Hawaii anymore.
    Thank goodness you got your Internet up. I'd be lost without it. Sigh...



Celebration of Life