August 28, 2020



Yes, I realize dealerships are hurting during this pandemic.  Few of us are driving, and fewer still are getting in accidents.  Repair income has dwindled to nonexistance.  Although Trump insists that our economy is doing wonderfully-well, I know it is it is not.

We received a notice from our Toyota dealer that we needed to come in and have our Airbag replaced.  “Didn’t we just do that," I said?  So we took it in.

It appears that the first time we took it in to replace the airbag, they just fixed it enough to be a temporary repair.  This time was the permanent fix.  They also sent us a list of other things that “they thought” needed repair or replacement.   Oil:  Done 4000 miles ago.  Tires: The Michelin's on the Toyota are only half way to their wear lines.  License Plate bulbs:  Now I will go check that one.  They say we need two.  Transmission Seal:  We know that there is a solenoid in the trannie that needs replacing.  If we do that, the leaky seal leak can be fixed at the same time don’t have the code for it right now, so we will go drive it enthusiastically until the engine light comes on.  They mentioned another leak.  Nope. None.  They mentioned that we need brakes.  Brakes:  They are 50% right now. 

They really need the over $3000.00 those repairs would generate. 

We will take it to our neighborhood mechanic. 


  • <A HREF=>Himself:  Drove to dealer and got Toyota.  Made lunch, playing a space game now.
  • Myself:  Drove very poorly to the dealer yesterday: Lots of jerks and chattering.  Drove to the dealer much more like me today: smoothly.
  • Reading:  Disk Francis.
  • Photo:  Mine at the car wash.  Myrtle and Grumpy.
  • Gratitude’s:  That G puts up with me.


  1. People are hurting here. Tourism, which is a huge business here is almost non-existent. There is only so much an individual can do within their own economic limitations.

  2. I was thinking that myself, today. People only have so many skill sets.

  3. I would prefer to patronize my local car repair, which I trust much more than the dealer.

  4. The dealership threw it against the wall to see what would stick. None. We have slippery walls.

  5. Six years ago they told me my headlights needed replacing. I have done that yet.

  6. Sounds like they were creating business. I'd trust the local mechanic.

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