September 3, 2020



Poor G woke feeling very old this morning.  It took a while for my brain to process the information in context.  The Shingles shot the doc wanted him to get got him. 

Me, I look like Mrs. Insane hair, and am going to let my hair-lady cut me into some sort of shape.  

Other than that, there’s nothing new.  I walk boringly in the water, I go down to the bay in hopes I can catch something interesting coming in or going out that I can photograph, and I read.


  • <A HREF=>Himself:  He isn’t doing well with his flu shot and shingles shot too.
  • Myself:  I’m ok.  Daughter Laka called and I am delighted.
  • Reading:  Still Dick Francis. 
  • Photo:  2018, The Star of India heading out with a full crew and lots of tourists.
  • Gratitude’s:  That Marta came and moved dust around.  That I am getting my hair cut at noon.


  1. Hope he feels better soon. Haircut good :-)

  2. I'd heard those shots could pack a wallop. Hope he is better soon.
    Love those tall ships.
    Oh to have a hair cut.

  3. Sometimes the mundane things in life are welcome! Glad G’s ailment is from vaccine and not virus. Take care you two.

  4. There's nothing like getting your hair cut -- unless it's getting your hair washed AND THEN trimmed! LOL I'm overdue, but am haning in there for another week or so. Be careful in the pool! Love you!

  5. That's a beautiful ship! Shingles and flu in one go is rough.

  6. I don't recall after effects from that shot, but then, I don't recall much. lol

  7. Haircuts have been the bane of this virus shutdown. I have a young woman that I found via a neighborhood list come to my house and cut my hair on the deck. I pay more than she asks and she has thus far done a very good job. I do not know if I will every go back to an indoor salon. So sorry for George, but that must mean it is working.

  8. Same thing happened to us when we got the Shingrix shot. I was lethargic for about 3-4 days. I was worried when it was time for the 2nd shot, but we were just fine. Weird.



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