November 21, 2020


   Those are my teeth…before crowns or the many fillings to follow.


Despite my mother’s urging, once I got braces, I didn’t brush my teeth.  By the time I got out of the army, I had a row of cavities across the top of each tooth.  Vaguely Grand Canyonish.  Only in the 1980’s did I find a dentist that was willing to deal with my alcoholic, addict teeth. 


By the time I left this dentist who didn’t take my insurance, he was angry with me every time he saw me.  “You need a cleaning, and you need an implant,” he told me.  He was very right, but I had been in a nursing home for months.


The Doctor who did implants was in the new dental office yesterday.  While G was getting half his teeth cleaned deep cleaned by digging and scraping and lasering, I was getting an implant.  If I showed you the X-rays, you would be appalled as am I.  That was the easiest extraction I have ever had tho.  Out came the broken tooth.  Amazing.  I go back in a month for a Post Op checkup.  By then I too will have half a mouth of teeth cleaned at a time, and should be ready to go.

2019: Working Comic Con without a front tooth.


  • <A HREF=>Himself:  Games all day.  Cooking too.
  • Myself:  Slept until lunch.  Musta been the pain pill.  Having Trump nightmares.
  • Reading:  Nothing I can concentrate on.
  • Watching:  It was on.
  • Photo:  Top: 1969, bottom 2019.
  • Gratitude’s:  For that easy extraction.



  1. Ugh. but it does seem to be going well for you. As well as possibly anyway.

  2. I haven’t heard of lasers for teeth. I don’t know if it is offered here yet. Glad you received the excellent service you did, Mage.

  3. my dental hygienist keeps telling me I need to go to a specialist for one tooth that is a little loose via bone loss (already lost it's companion on the other side) and I tell her every time that I can't afford a specialist, can barely afford all the crowns the dentist says I need as my insurance only cover basic cleaning, x-rays, and exam every six months. I don't understand why health insurance does not cover reconstructive dentistry, only preventive.

    1. Oh, I so agree. Preventative isn't enough to cover the disaster that is my teeth.

  4. This dental office is good. Multiple dentists & support staff. They seemed happy to serve us, especially the part where I handed over my Mastercard.

  5. So happy you are getting a rebuild. Amazing what they can do but boy do they charge for it.

  6. I have one implant. It's not the best thing since sliced bread, but it's good enough.

  7. You had lovely teeth — too bad you didn't take care of them. Glad you’re getting the care you need now and implant, too. I may consider one in the future.

  8. I've a history with teeth, now no uppers. Hanging onto bottom for as long as I can.

  9. Oh gosh! I haven't been to the dentist in a year and my teeth are yellowing. Coffee and tea, I guess. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my teeth stay OK until we get the vaccine. You sure had beautiful teeth!



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