December 9, 2020




Except for the overwhelming desire to go thrift store shopping, we are doing well “staying at home.”  Other’s aren’t judging from the announcers, doctors, and endless network personas that keep telling us solutions to the endless stress of staying at home.  Neither of us feels at all stressed.

Now I bought two people on my holiday shopping list chickens.  When you have everything like this friend does, chickens are appropriate.  We are getting one granddaughter chickens too.  She cares about the world, so this will be perfect.

Daughter Milaka is getting me something of the same sort.  I’ve conveniently forgotten what it is, so it will be a proper holiday surprise.  I care about the world too, and I have a roof, food, and George.  What more could I want.  Once you have been homeless, life is pretty wonderful if you have those things.


<A HREF=>Himself:  Computer stuff before lunch, made omelets for lunch, and helped me set up the area for quilting.  Pretty kind of him.  Checking out local holiday lights after dinner.

Myself:  Fire frightens me.  I checked links all morning.  All of mine seemed to work just fine.  Found the right threads, wound bobbins, and was a good dogs body till dinner.

Reading:  National G’s…ones I had missed while I was a veggie.

Watching:  Baking.

Photo:  Made by George of the smoke from a fire down in Mexico in back of the Point Loma lighthouse..

Gratitude’s:  I’ll say it again very happily:  George, the roof over our heads, and enough food to  get fat on.  LOL



  1. Awesome photo scene! Yes, I, too, do not feel stressed as seems to be the state of many as news keeps telling us. I agree, food, shelter, clothes allowing me to feel comfortable are the important basics -- everything else is icing on the cake.

  2. Know what you mean. I press a button and my house is comfortable, warm when needed, cool when needed. I open the refridgerator and there is plenty of food, and my family and friends are so far safe from Covid. Can't ask for much more.

  3. I do enjoy our "in car" picnics at the bay watching all the boats going back and forth.

  4. Great photo. Glad you two aren't stressed. I'm not too stressed either. I was while eldest son had covid last summer but he recovered nicely. I have a comfy home and am so grateful to the people who deliver groceries and the mail and our medical folk, I could go on but you know who they are. Hugs.

  5. How fortunate you are not to feel stressed. We are the same. Inconvenienced is all and only occasionally.

  6. I'm grateful too for what we have.
    My cousin's son came home last month and was surprised that everybody in Hawaii was wearing masks. He is going to school in Irvine and says people don't wear masks in his area which freaks him out.



Celebration of Life