January 30, 2021


·       Beautiful, golden sunshine out there today.  If anything was open today, I would go there.  The Zoo is opening for the first time in a long time this morning.  My grandma used to take me when I was young.  She had no money and would wait outside for me.  We couldn’t do that today.  There used to be a discounted membership too.  No more.  Darn it….or I would go to the zoo today.

·       Margot is better.  Zoe is heating up frozen meals and making a salad to go with them.  Milaka is sending food.  George and I are calling and texting.

·       Grumpy is so dirty from the last rain that I am embarrassed to be riding in him.  It won’t do any good to wash him tho as another storm is headed down the coast.

·       Life is nothing but a series of dotted moments until we get the latest test results.


·       <A HREF=http://geeeee-zer.blogspot.com/>Himself:</A>  No plans.  He has a new starship game, and he finished two of the puzzles Margot gave him for Christmas.

·       Myself:  I inch along.

·       Reading:  One of two new Longmires.

·       Watching:  Nothing exciting.

·       Photo:  Our old Pilot boat.  Retired now and at the SD Maritime Museum.  I’m on the rear engine hatch, Port side, right next to the cabin in green pants and beige sweater.

·       Gratitude’s:  For time being so slow these days. 


  1. We have a garage but leave the car out for 'God Washes'. It helps a bit.

  2. After we get our second vaccines we can consider going out.

  3. Wonderful news about Margot. Hope this is soon behind her. I see you there.

  4. Glad for the good news about Margot! Recent rains washed my car well and expect the same later this week.



Celebration of Life