March 15, 2021


I cannot seem to stay awake.  When Bobbie arrives to claim her quilt, she will probably find me draped over her pile of fabrics, snoring.


<A HREF=>Himself:</A>  He’s been visiting all the local Thrift shops with me.

Myself:  After a few hours of quilting a day, you can find me dozing off over my latest book.

Reading:  Penny

Watching:  60 minutes was interesting last night.

Photo:  Mine

Gratitude’s:  That I am awake RIGHT NOW.


  1. When I feel sleepy or tired, I figure my body needs the rest and I just go with it. Enjoy! There may be restless times ahead.

  2. Don't argue with those yawns; go to sleep.

  3. You have to rest when your body tells you, Mage. Everything can wait. Have a wonderful week. It's raining over here.

  4. I tend to listen when my body and mind scream for sleep. Find a comfortable spot and give in.

  5. the only time I allow myself to read is in the evenings (or rainy days) because there is always so much to be done but I rarely get more than a few pages read before I'm nodding off over it. sleeping late these days too.

  6. Naps are us, planned or unplanned, I'd guess you need the sleep.

  7. Bobbie is going to love the quilt.

  8. My Covid shots make me sleepy. My coughing throughout the night makes me sleepy in the day time. I am kind of tired of sleeping. But it does say your body needs the rest.

  9. Enjoy all the rest you can get, no use fighting it. I nod out when I read in the afternoon, I fight it but my body wins out every time. Now I just close my eyes and relax. Take care!



Celebration of Life