September 3, 2021


That’s me.  I’m an addict to my morning rituals.  No matter what ever has to be done, I want to do certain things first.  A half slice of bread and butter so my stomach likes the immunotherapy drugs.  Then all the regular pills, followed by a tall cup of coffee, a book, and the news with sound off.  After yogurt, I moved in here to my computer to do the mail and read blogs.

For years I sat in my grandpa’s Morris chair every morning to do all my rituals.  Fewer pills in those days.  Now G brings up my goodies in a basket….dear George.  This morning I was determined to quilt first then come on line second.  Somehow my feet drew me into the computer room.

Now he’s over there across the desk far out in space with his addict friends.  I find I'm not alone in my addictions here.                                                                                                                          


  • <A HREF=>Himself:</A>  Laundry today.
  • Myself:  Reading a new book as a break from an old series.  Quilting.
  • Reading:  Bujold and Moon.
  • Watching:  KPBS:  Nature and Best bakers on the Food Channel.
  • Photo:  Mine, living room corner.
  • Weather:  77F, grey and cloudy now.
  • Gratitude’s:   Few coughs, lots of laughs, got the big crow done.



  1. yeah, we have our morning rituals too. me...a small glass of water and my first pill, then reading and writing blogs, yoga routine, the next set of pills, then my two cups of coffee while I do more reading on the computer, then breakfast, then whatever I plan to accomplish for the day.

  2. and I meant to say I have that same Morris chair which was my grandfathers!

  3. Yay, some quilting done. That big crow was a hold up.

  4. Me too but the most important for me is letting Callie out for her morning toilet, then feeding her and the fish. After that I am pretty random.

  5. Coffee and computer time for me. Then I make a pot for Sue and play two games of Sudoku. If i get up early and the weather is good, I may go out with the camera, but that is not regular.

  6. Computer time before bed for me. It’s nice to check n with blog friends at the end of the day too.

  7. I certainly have my morning rituals too... and evening rituals as well. Your George is a true gem!



Celebration of Life