December 10, 2021


That’s me.  I’m riding along these days.  He’s afraid my weakened right leg might cause an accident; I selfishly want a trip in my truck.  He can’t drive the truck safely yet as his hand isn’t strong enough to steer while the other hand shifts. 

I’m also looking forward to a neighborhood drive to see the lights.   Up the hill a ways was a marvelously over lit street.  The oldest lady died, and now the street lighting is fading.  Down the hill is another story.  One man has taken over the whole side of his street.  Every house plays the same music, the lights on every house are keyed to the holiday tunes, and the holiday story is carried house to house on down the hill.  It must take him all year to put this together.

He’s off to the Auto Museum Volunteer party tonight.  Tomorrow he works at the museum.  Sunday he’s meeting to discuss volunteering at the new Comic Con museum.  It’s just across the lot from the Automotive Museum.  

  • <A HREF=>Himself:</A>  Still out in the final frontier.  Being a gamer is a great thing at the Comic Con museum.
  • Myself:  Staying home, wrapping one box, and putting drops in my eye.  Operator error with photoshop today.
  • Reading:  Blogs, mine and yours.
  • Watching:  Northwoods Law.
  • Photo:   I too this one of Grumpy and Myrtle.
  • Gratitude’s:   That most of me feels pretty good today.


  1. Time to outfit the veehickles with holiday garb.

  2. You guys are so amazing! The wreath is definitely a happy holiday greeting.

  3. Even your vehicles are getting in the holiday spirit!

  4. At least you get to get out and about.

  5. Your last statement is great to hear.

  6. Grumpy and Myrtle sure look good in their holiday finery. Solution. Have George drive Grumpy and you shift. Takes a little timing but is possible. My brother and I once did that and it worked pretty well.

  7. Sorry to disappoint you about neighbouring lights. We had snow. Now we have rain, so I may put off photographing them. Or not.

  8. You both should be a situation comedy. The sharing of the vehicles...and here I avoid going out and driving whenever I can! Oh well. We should get out and see the lights, but there is nothing down here at our little town.



Celebration of Life