August 7, 2017


From “Trappings” a show at the Mingei Museum, 2017.  When I was a kid, many horse in our holiday parades wore decorated saddles like this.

·       Busy me.  Sometimes busy is good.  I cheated yesterday by taking an unpermitted Aleve and flew through a housewarming and a seven PM meeting.  Flew through the morning workout today with ease too.  For the Housewarming gift, I found a set of dramatic black bowls at the shop.  I tossed a green Waldorf salad in the big one, and wrapped the two smaller in paper.  A very successful present.
·       The only problem I had, personally, at the party was a little old lady who knew the host as a child.  “I didn’t know John knew all these people; how does he know all these people,” she kept asking.  If she didn’t know he was a drunk, now was not the time to tell her.  One doesn’t say, “Oh, he’s in AA, and so are all these other folks.”  LOL
·       Off to smog Grumpy this morning.  His exhaust had been smelling terrible.  We used to drive to Vegas once a year to pick up the good injector cleaner.  This time we just ran two different kinds of injector cleaner through with his gas.  I need to ask how many more years Grumpy needs to be smogged also.  Smogging used to stop in California when the vehicle reached age 25.  I think the age has changed.

  • Himself:  Gym, work, lunch more work and a meeting at 7 for next year’s convention.
  • Herself:  Trying out new suit….the pads have slipped and need to be removed.
  • Reading:  Still on that Perry.
  • Gratitude’s:  …that I’m not homeless any more.


  1. Busy times it seems. Warm greetings and best wishes to you.

  2. I don't think the smog test requirement ever ends. Terry's car is a 1991 and it was required this year. Takes a special kind of machine to test those old vehicles. He was wondering how long before the testing machines all wear out.

  3. Quite a saddle! I recall seeing from a distance some pretty fancy looking ones the year we went to the Rose Parade in Pasadena. Very tactful of you to avoid mentioning the friends connection when you don't know who knows what about another's life.

  4. A single pill seems to do wonders for you.

  5. I'm not allowed that pill either but you sure made it sound enticing. Great idea for a housewarming gift. Think I saw Gene Autry in a saddle like that.

  6. I find - in my old age - I am getting quite passionate about clean air. Was told recently that if you sun bathe on a cruise near the funnel it is the equivalent of standing in the middle of Picadilly Circus and breathing in all the traffic fumes.

  7. Busy times it seems. Warm greetings and best wishes to you.


  8. We've been very busy lately, but today... I'm just being super lazy...

  9. I very much like your pattern it's beautiful,thank for sharing good i dea !




Celebration of Life