August 17, 2017


Zoe, 2017.

Zoe started school today.  Margot dropped her off with friends to walk the last several blocks.  Seventh grade….I remember it well.  I asked George where he was in seventh grade, and he replied Trinidad Colorado…he was back there in the middle of the school year…or the end.  He walked six or seven blocks pretty much level all the way.  Zoe is living in the middle of a gang territory, so she gets rides in the morning.

I have no idea how I got to school but I clearly remember what I wore:  a lined wool tweed pencil skirt, and a seafoam green wool sweater set that I wore at boarding school the previous year.  May I add that it was really hot that day.  Really hot.

Today Zoe starts school on a cool morning.  Escondido has some of those really hot temperatures year round.  Schools are air conditioned now.  Neither G’s school nor mine had AC.  His school was at a high elevation, and mine was a WPA structure…with some beautiful tiles. 

Margot reported that Zoe looked really embarrassed when she drove by the gaggle of girls and honked this morning.  We all three laughed.

  • Himself:  Gym, work, and out to dinner location TBA later.
  • Herself:  Pool, write, work to photograph the hopefull giant National Thrift Shop day crowds.  Quilt…I’m stuck again.
  • Reading:  Preston&Child: “The Cabinet of Curiosities.” Something new for me as I don’t usually read Child.
  • Gratitude’s:  That we are here and ok.


  1. School doesn't start here for about three weeks. One of my grandies loves school, the other hates it.

  2. School starts early there. Here it's Sept 7th. Hope Zoe has a great year!

  3. Seventh grade is so important as it is when the child dips their toe into independence and tries to distance themselves from their parents. Hope she has a banner year.

  4. How time flies no doubt. Warm greetings and best wishes with school.

  5. Out to dinner tonight to celebrate belatedly our anniversary. I have been working so hard to catch up this week it will be nice not to have to cook. I really have to go downstairs and run on the elliptical. You are motivating me.

    1. I'm terrible, I do it in the pool. LOL Yes, dinner out at the hospital while visiting Poolie. Afterwards, we each had a cookie. What a treat.

  6. School in Illinois won't start for another week and a half. My granddaughter is already planning out her first day of school outfit and backpack design. Brings back lovely memories for me too.

  7. I used to love school--going to the store to buy new supplies. My only problem was clothes--I was always overweight so was hard to fit. Still am, for that matter. I felt ugly...but I got good grades without much effort on my part. I sure hope Zoe gets good grades. They're so important to her future.

  8. Hope she enjoys the new adventure of Jr. Hi. We moved so all new, then three more schools and different states in th next year. Only one brief period and school I didn't like, but otherwise I always liked school.



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