September 14, 2017


482 in Silverton.

Yes, I am going through my train photos.  The contrast on this one could have been increased, and it could have been cropped much tighter.  But I share it with you as is.  I should delete a lot too. 

Poolie finished her second to last Cyber Knife Surgery yesterday.  We arrived to visit after work the root beer float in hand.  No matter what, that tastes good as does watermelon.    

  • Himself:  Dinner last night was Mexican Pachati’s.  Really good.  We had a hawk yesterday eyeing the doves.  Today crows.
  • Herself:  Weird at work yesterday.  Today, Pool.  Looking for a new pair of khaki pants.  Every store seems to have 13, 14, 16, and 18’s.  No 20’s.  Tonight Judy’s meatballs with the meatballs coming from Costco.
  • Reading:  Another Cadell.
  • Gratitude’s:  Only those with Arthur-itis will appreciate this, but the Tuesday night Aleve is still working well a third day.


  1. You are the bright spot in her day right now...

  2. thank you for this your broadcast provided bright clear concept..

  3. I think it looks fine. Maybe straighten rather than crop if you really want to fiddle with it.



Celebration of Life