September 15, 2017


One of those fabric fish came through the store this week, and I got it for Poolie.  She so loves it that she’s even posed for pictures with it.  Every day we try to bring a little something…usually it is a root beer float from Wendy’s….a fast food place I boycott.  She loves em. 

This day the>Cravory sent us a post offering a free cookie.  George braved traffic and bought a whole dozen which included my two favorites, the lemon and chocolate truffle.  Why brave traffic?  Right before rush hour, the main giant water main that runs along side the freeway 8 East burst creating a nice sized sink hole in 8 East.  We take 8 East to Poolies house.  That blow out caused three more water main breaks on nearby Morena Blvd.

We got the cookies and float with a bit of traffic struggle.  Every road out of here was blocked.  We tried to get on 5 South to get around it, but we found ourselves on 5 North.  Endlessly Balboa, to Convoy, to Aero Drive, to Sand Rock, to Gramercy, to Poolies street.   An hour and a half drive instead of 15 minutes.   I considered it an adventure.

She flat out loved the lemon cookies.

  • Himself:  Work, dinner, meeting, Poolie.
  • Herself:  Ditto…LOL
  • Reading:  Rereading an old Cadell that I hadn’t seen in years.
  • Gratitude’s:  Finding the Foo da Fish.


  1. The cookies were worth the effort

  2. Your friend's reaction made it all worthwhile.

  3. Our youngest was caught in traffic because of the water main break. Haven't heard of that cookie shop -- will have to check it out the next time we're in town (won't be for a while, regrettably). I didn't know Wendy's offered Root Beer floats! We go to Wendy's most times when we have to go to B'field for dr's appts. It's close to the freeway we take to go back home. Why do you boycott it? I don't shop at Tarjay or Hobby Lobby if I can help it. I guess we all have our personal boycotts to support.

    1. I don't shop there because my friend Hilka green died of food poisening after dinner there. I like Tarjay but boycott walmart because of their pay practices. No Hobby Lobby;s here.

  4. Good seeing Poolie sitting up. Wow, root beer float AND lemon cookies? Perfect and worth the extra effort.

  5. Hugs to you and George, such good friends, quite a trek. Happy to see Poolie vertical.



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