October 1, 2017


Two of my grandkids are spending a few hours with each other today.  The littlest one wanted to meet the older one.  The youngest one is effusive.  I so hope they like each other.

  • Himself:  CBS Sunday Morning.  Tidy house as everyone is meeting here.  Computers, lunch, dinner, meeting.
  • Herself:  CBS Sunday Morning.  Tidy house as everyone is meeting here.  Call Bobbie and find out if she will pay for the purple and backing.  Lunch Dinner, meeting.
  • Captain Poolie:  Wants to be treated like a kid.  George is hunting for jokes.
  • Reading:  Worked my way through the Cadells, now reading the 1950’s D.E. Stevenson’s.
  • Gratitude’s:  Thaat two of my grandkids want to meet.


    1. Hope they have a great time together, Mage.

    2. Ahhh... such beautiful girls. So very blessed that they have a chance to get to know one another and become life-long friends. Blessings to all. They look very happy!

    3. Lovely looking girls. I hope they find 'common ground'.

    4. Hope they bond. I dearly loved all my cousins.

    5. First meeting?? They sure are pretty and hope they become close. Family is so important.

    6. I sure hope so too. Family is so wonderful to have.

    7. I expect the younger will adore the elder. I do hope they get on.



    Celebration of Life