March 13, 2018


....Political opinion.

This is a photograph of one of the Border Wall Prototypes just this side of Tijuana.  Photographed by John Gibbons for the San Diego Union Tribune.  The article shows all eight wall samples in their massiveness.

I slightly ignored the news yesterday, and we went to bed before the news at ten.  This morning, every channel was filled with film of Trump heading our way to view the prototypes.  Here he is boarding Air Force One.  There are the troops following him from another copter.  Here are the protests against the wall, and another one, and yet another one.  One spot had a small gathering of supporters too. 

I do not want this Berlin Wall in our backyard.  I’m not out there marching.  I couldn’t get very far.  I could paint the signs.   I can write here.  I can post pictures.  I can remind you yet again that our crops need picking and there is no one to do this.  I agree we need new immigration policies.  I do not think we need a massive wall.
  • Himself:  Coffee maker died so we went out and bought another with a built in timer.
  • Herself:  Started quilting at last.  Methinks that my crows resemble chickens and sea gulls.  Discovered I wasn’t taking enough of the meds.
  • Reading:  Last year’s JA Jance.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I continue to feel OK.


  1. If we get one made of concrete, it is easy to attach steps with a nail gun.

  2. I shake my head. I do that a lot these days. The morally bankrupt and sycophantic GOP will probably enable him.

  3. What is the point of the ventilation? Whose side has the porta potties? Where are the costs per? I am so sorry for you, though it will get worse for all of us.

    1. Why are you sorry for me. We already have a wall. We really don't need another.

  4. The cost alone is crazy. The fact that many places cannot even support a wall isn't even being recognized by those still agreeing with this plan. Add in the fact that so many farmers and fisherman count on those seasonal workers. It's totally insane!

    And now Rex Tillerson is fired? Can we survive 3 more years?

    1. And too, his Body Man...the errand runner, got fired.



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