April 4, 2018


·       The Discovery Shop has received another excellent donation of books, this time they are of airplanes, airplane history, and turbines.
·       I cheated.  This time I didn’t bring them all home and look each one up.  Perhaps I am getting a better feel for these expansive volumes.  Some I just priced as five to fifteen dollars.  I punted.  I brought two boxes home to price here.
·       I did write a post this morning.  A light, aimless piece…then I bumped something on my keyboard and it vanished.  I grovel before you…never has this happened before.
·       We survived the convention through naps.  I ended up taking a long one yesterday too.  Today I don’t think I need one…we have liftoff.
Himself:  He’s doing really good.  Carried both boxes of books up for me to price.  Out to dinner with two friends from the convention at the Brig.
Herself:  This batch doesn’t seem quite as interesting as the ship books did.
Reading:  The second Mrs. Polifax novel.  It’s simply delightful.
Watching:  Who knows….
Gratitude’s:  That I got through the hours at work with only a medium dose of cynicism. 


  1. Are those books for sale anywhere on the internet?

    1. I'm sorry, they are only available here at the shop. If you want to send me a list of titles you might want, I can check. :)

    2. Sadly,like most browsers, I don't know I want it until it touches my hand. California, eh?

  2. When a screen magically disappears on you (or the contents of a screen magically disappears) try this trick that Joeh taught me...control z will erase our last action and hopefully return you to where you want to be. It's safed my bacon many a time. Thanks again Joeh.

  3. I jotted Mrs Pollifax down for future reference.

  4. Good to know there may be a cure for the vanishing post. Think I will write that down.



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