July 6, 2018


Two sets of flowery 1940’s dishes by Blue Ridge/Southern Potteries.

Just today:
·       I forgot A pile of set aside books when I headed to work.  I forgot my hearing aids.  Worst of all, I wasn’t going to go to work on a cement slab wearing moccasins.  So I drove back home and got the books, got the hearing aids, and picked up well padded tennies.  Life is always much better if you have all your books in a row.
·       Some kind man came in with three heavy boxes of books, and rather than sort through dusty holiday things, I priced books.  Very déjà vu as I priced those ten boxes of books to go in the big sale at the store yesterday.  I feel very pleased that this got done.
·       For the last two days, I have been wearing a bug pin that George gave me years ago.  He’s about an inch and a half long, and is very three dimensional.  Would you believe that no one noticed it at all.
·       Before Comic Con, there will be the Auto Museum Picnic where we will meet the new Director.  Yes, we will certainly miss Poolie.  We will be taking with us three nice hefty boxes of donated auto books, two are on Aston Martins. Yes we will get a receipt.
·       For after Comic Con George bought tickets to “Spamalot” which is playing at the Old Town Theater.  I have them right there in the appointment book.  George also said we were rich enough that I could take the train to LA to visit Bobbie.  I’m like a little kid….jiggling up and down with joy.  My tickets are right there also.
·       Ah, Comic Con.  Starting months ago, the emails began coming in.  There will be this, there will be that….print this, print that.  Endless stuff.  Finally today two notices arrived.  First we qualified to be volunteers and “Here is what you are to do.”  Then shortly after that, another email arrived to say we qualify to be early volunteers.  Our badges arrived.  Now we have to go down and pickup our volunteer badges and our schedules.  That very first day I have a derm appointment in the morning….we go there first, and then two afternoon appointments at the convention center.  Mind you all this will begin in two weeks.  
·       I don’t know if we are ready for all this social activity.
Himself:  The Midwest hail storms are what are driving him to work at 6 in the morning.  He’s he is taking the week of Comic Con off.  Has Doc appointment with his old doc about his knee.
Me, myself, and I:  Started leg lifts and box lifts again, and the pain has returned.  Had a really good time pricing books the last few days.  Found a giant book on quilters resources.  Bought a little bobbin winder for six bucks.  No matter how many bobbins one winds at the start of a project, they run out.  This way I never have to take my thread out of the machine again for a bobbin.
Reading:  ”Call The Nurse.”
Gratitude’s:  Got a 14 year token for Margot last night.  What a thrill.  That I came home to get my ears and feet this morning..  LOL  We are off to a meeting and dinner afterwards.  We are so lucky to be alive.


  1. You are so involved in life Mage. I don’t think I could keep up with you.

  2. You are lucky to live in such a rich cultural area. I am a bit jealous, but hubby will never leave the woods to be nearer to the city. Congrats to Margot! What are box lifts? Hubby is having daily pain with his back and is on pain meds and taking therapy. MRI did not reveal much. We are pacing ourselves. You must tell me the criteria you use for your book pricing.

    1. Lifting boxes of books are box lifts. LOL Pain almost gone today. Standard pricing for the store....$2.00 for hard backs and $1.00 for paperbacks of the usual sort. When you find valuable volumes, like the boat books from a while ago, I look each one up on ABE books, and Alibris. I then price the books at 1/3 of their prices. I'm so sorry about hubby's back. Georges knee is making him feel very old.

  3. Funny that they didn't notice your pin. Sue has a big Scottish sort of one, and she gets comments all the time.

  4. Love pins. I have a small collection with many from my grandmother. Surprised no one noticed yours. Congrats to Margot.

  5. Interesting no one said anything about the bug pin on you. Maybe they thought it was real--but still.

  6. Looks like you’re going to be busy. Carry your water and stay in the cool. Don’t forget youtr H. Aides and wear comfortable shoes,
    Well, I’ve done my part, so if you don’t remember it’s not my fault — I reminded you!



Celebration of Life