August 30, 2018


Summer is almost done with for the year.  The days are still warm and sunny.  The surf still roars down on the beach, but the summer rituals are closing down. 

Those of us who are larger than most have picked up their time at the gym.  The dedicated water folks have finished beer canning for the season.  (That’s grabbing a six pack of beer and heading to the docks to crew on a sailing boat Wednesday afternoons.)  School has started.  Kids are walking down the hill to the middle school, and young adults are walking up hill to the high school.  Some of us have made their usual appointments with their Dermatologists.  Shops are showing fall clothing lines.  And too, Halloween is breaking out all over.

I’m still reading the Department of Motor Vehicle driver’s books.  Just to complicate things, I discovered a DMV book for Seniors.  At 77, I guess I am a senior.  I find if I sit here too long, I go to sleep.  I’m breaking up the day with small chores and many chapters.  If you see someone that looks like a bobble head doll, that’s me. 

I take the tests on the 9th…that’s only ten days away.  My next five years depend on my passing these tests.  A last 2018 summer ritual.

  • Himself:  Loves starting work at 7, He’s been getting more time in at the gym, and having more free time in the evenings.  Bought the new wood for the stairs yesterday.
  • Myself:  Took care of the shop books yesterday.  The Friends of the Library is overwhelmed with books and may not take more after next month.  They need volunteers.
  • Reading:  The newest Margaret Mizushima Timber Creek volume.  A very fearful volume.
  • Gratitude’s:  that hole in my leg is almost gone.


  1. Ten days more to soak up that knowledge ! You’ve got this!

  2. This book sounds like an encyclopedia. Hope you get through it.

  3. Wonder how the senior book is different from the non-senior book. Interesting. Yes it is time for that Dermatologists appointment. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. It discusses the reasons for the reexaminations. Clearly.

  4. You will get through the test in good shape. Study up and expect the best.

  5. You can do it. It's very anxiety producing I know. The thought of not driving gives me nightmares but our grandma drove until she was 90 with the same hitches in her giddy up that most of us have.



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