August 12, 2018


Crow Landing, © Pinterest, Sandra Smith, Snow on @deviantART  

I’m looking for a detailed picture of a crow landing.  Yes, there were lots of pictures of crows on Google, but not a detailed one of a crow landing.  That was a while ago.  Yesterday I looked up the main library hours, then I called to see if the morgue still existed.  It did, up on ‘A’ floor.  They call it the “picture file.” 

“It hasn’t been updated in many years,” a nice man named Pete told me.  “The volunteer who had been doing it retired.  They probably wouldn’t be keeping it much longer.”  The man in charge didn’t see any reason to keep the many file cabinets or acres of fragile paper pictures.

We drove down to our wonderful new library and discovered that there was no free parking on Padres game days.  We came home the errand way….new white compression stockings for me, new filters for the car, and Ralphs for grapefruit segments.  He loves them…and I am putting them with Avocado for a dinner salad.  Yes, the 1950’s foods still live in our house.

I looked up flying Crows, and G looked up landing Crows.  There they were in Google. 

It’s truly gut wrenching, the end of a unique artists tool, but there is really no reason at all to keep those acres of paper images. 

  • Himself:  Ran me around happily and kindly.
  • Myself:  Was delighted to see so many walls covered with murals on the back of downtown.  Was really saddened to see one street lined with the homeless…most were gathered near small churches.
  • Reading:  Volume 4 in the Library series.
  • Gratitude’s:  That neither G nor I are homeless.


  1. That is a great crow photo. So much is changing with technology. We probably wouldn’t recognize the world in 50 years.

  2. When we were in Europe, we were told at the libraries that even ancient Medieval manuscripts were being digitalized now for posterity. It’s pretty incredible.

  3. Seems we will need to rely on memories and Google. That is an amazing shot of the crow however.

  4. Your eventual success in tracking down a picture is something to crow about.

  5. I smile as I read about your search for a crow landing, as years ago, I created an Artist Trading Card with crows on it. Was it Van Gogh that painted crows in flight over a yellow field of wheat?? Love you and love your artist mind! I know technology is changing our world, but shouldn't we be keeping an eye to the future when documents become the true rarity of life? I don't know that I want to live in a world without books or papers waiting to be read (or held in one's hands).



Celebration of Life