September 29, 2018


1984 with Daughter Milaka.
  A sunny November morning on the cottage steps.
Into Action:
·       George is touching up the white next to the back steps.  He added one more layer of bright colors and a couple of layers of polyurethane, and they now look finished.
·       Margot is doing her laundry up north.  For six bucks she can do eight loads of laundry.  I invited her here to do her laundry for free.  She says the gas to get here would cost more than doing it there, and they can do all their laundry at once.
·       Milaka has announced that she is making the rounds of Moose Lodges.
·       I just had my first Friday free, but I had to go in to photograph the “Vintage Event” at the shop.  Everyone was surprised to see me.  I have managed to quilt every day but one this week.  Yesterday I discovered a giant tuck in the large quilt, and it took a bit of time to get it out.  That’s quilting too, I suppose.

  • Himself:  That two hour drive home from Carlsbad took a lot out of him Thursday.  It should have been a half hour.
  • Myself:  Lead the Friday meeting.  Topic: Into Action.  Today: See if I created any other darts, fix them, and read.
  • Reading:  Volume 3 on E. Roosevelt is getting livelier.
  • Gratitude’s:  G for the stairs.  Barbara for helping me pull books.  Bobbie for calling once this week when she wasn’t on the road.


  1. My son goes to the laundromat for the same reasons. Dang.

  2. I've helped my sister remove giant tucks from her machine quilting! She's removed more on her own. They are merciless! I must tell you, we bought many butt ends of that red fabric from your shirt to weave rugs. They were beautiful, and I hope still underfoot!

  3. $6 for eight loads of laundry? What a bargain! Now I'm curious about your stairs. I'll bet it's gorgeous.

    1. Well, photos are over on G's blog. The word "Himself" is a link to his blog. They really are far more richer in color than his photos show tho.

  4. Sounds as though all is going well for both of you. I would have tons of tucks and that is why I do not quilt!

  5. Can understand her logic but the nice visit might erase those arguments.

    1. She really can't drive down here and home again on six bucks. :)

  6. I once coached a girls softball team sponsored by Moose Lodge.



Celebration of Life