September 15, 2018


1999:On a visit to the Queen Mary in Long Beach CA.
I was only married to Paul Adams Hawkins for a small ten years.  A short tumultuous time, two children, two jobs, homes with white sofas, lots of art school, and a miserable ending to it all.  After two more wives, two more children who love their Pop, and mountains of stone worked, he died.

I’ve been with Robert George Bailey for a comfortable 35 years.  Our life has had its own underlying passions but none like the drunk and drugged years with Paul.  We have less creativity but far more inner growth.  He’s a loner.  On occasion, I miss the crowds that used to gather every day at my house.  I do miss him terribly when he isn’t here. 

He’s one of the good guys.  His boss gave him another nice bonus yesterday, and his manager gave him a raise.  I’m not the only one who thinks he is one of the good guys.
  • Himself:  Putting more tape on the stairs to define the stripe that will go down both sides of the steps.  Lunch, and work at the museum.
  • Myself:    Got a wagonload of new nautical books.  Ended up redoing all the moldy, damaged, unsalable hundreds of books I packaged to go out on Wednesday.  I was so angry I was spitting when I left because the manager didn’t admit she was the one that left me the mountainous mess.  George says to ignore her, and to survive her, I will.
  • Reading:  FEAR…in smaller doses.
  • Gratitude’s:  George.


  1. The both of you still look handsome and happy. Who could ask for anything more!

    1. We are just vastly wider. LOL

    2. Aren't we all?? Wider is not a bad thing as long as you're here with us. Love you!

  2. I suspect I would forego the creativity for inner growth, given the choice, Mage.

  3. It seems that you did well not to give up on men and marriage.

    1. It took ten years to have a good grasp on sanity.

  4. The thirty five years speaks volumes that you made a wonderful choice.

  5. Good picture of the two of you... So glad you found one another. You're BOTH keepers!

  6. You struck gold with your spouse, Mage and so did he. Congratulations on a wonderful 35 years together.

  7. I just saw your note about your manager's mess becoming yours to handle. This is a volunteer job, right? If I got that frustrated, I'd walk away. But, that's me. I don't do well with frustration when it's my time and energy that are donated. I expect appreciation for my time and energy.



Celebration of Life